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#  SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater 
#    M. Rappe, PI
#    Version 22 Sep 2016
BioSample_ID    BioProjectID    lat      lon       ph    oxygen    calcium    magnesium    potassium    sodium    chloride    bromide    silicate  ammonium    phosphate    nitrite    nitrate    nitrate_and_nitrate    sulfate    dissolved_iron    total_iron    Mn2plus    dissolved_hydrogen_sulfide    dissolved_organic_carbon    TDN    alkalinity    methane         hydrogen        microbial_cell_abundance    sample_name                     sample_title                                                       organism                        collection_date    depth    elev    env_biome              env_feature       env_material    geo_loc_name      description                                                                                 
SAMN03166137    PRJNA266365     47.76    -127.76   nd    nd        nd         nd           nd           nd        nd          nd         nd        nd          nd           nd         nd         nd                     nd         nd                nd            nd         nd                            nd                          nd     nd            nd              nd              nd                          SubsurfaceFluids-21-22_U1362A   Hole_U1362A_basaltic_crustal_fluids                                hydrothermal_vent_metagenome    12-Jul-11          528      -2672   hydrothermal_fluid     borehole          water           Pacific_Ocean     SSU_rRNA_gene_survey_of_Hole_U1362A_basaltic_crustal_fluids                                 
SAMN03166138    PRJNA266365     47.76    -127.76   nd    nd        nd         nd           nd           nd        nd          nd         nd        nd          nd           nd         nd         nd                     nd         nd                nd            nd         nd                            nd                          nd     nd            nd              nd              nd                          SubsurfaceFluids-23-24_U1362B   Hole_U1362B_basaltic_crustal_fluids                                hydrothermal_vent_metagenome    10-Jul-11          359      -2672   hydrothermal_fluid     borehole          water           Pacific_Ocean     SSU_rRNA_gene_survey_of_Hole_U1362B_basaltic_crustal_fluids